George Clooney, Charlie Sheen and Laura Dern play as campers
Charlie Sheen as Lance
Laura Dern and George Clooney at their campsite
John Rhys-Davies as Bouchard setting up traps in the woods
Bouchard in the backstage before he attacks the grizzly
Toto Coelo and the thousands of concertgoers
concert night with thousands of councertgoers
Louise Fletcher play as Eileene Draygon, the superintendent of Summit, along with the Senator and the Senator's wife in the film
Samantha Owens played by Deborah Raffin briefing the rangers on how to use tranquilizers for the grizzly
Nick Hollister played by Steve Inwood with Charlie played by Dick Anthony Williams
Barry performing "Don't Give Me war"
Aerial view of the concert stage and thousands of spectators watching the concert
Explosion behind the stage as part of the film
Grizzly and fireworks as it causes havoc in the backstage
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